Taxes & Incentives
Tax Incentives
There are many options for tax incentives available from the City, Township, county or the state. Each of the local jurisdictions works with prospective businesses to provide outstanding incentives that make the Anytown community an excellent and cost effective location. The following list provides contact numbers and links to local and state economic development entities:
- Dept. of Economic Development & Neighborhood Development: (313) 224-0756
- Land Bank and Turbo Tax incentive: Wayne County tax incentives
State of
- City of Plymouth Economic Development: (734) 453-1234 x 203
- Economic Development Corporation: Economic Development
Tax Rates
Property tax rates in the industrial parks and many other parts of the community are among the lowest in the county. To get informatin on the most recent tax rates for properties please contact the following government entities.
For property tax information regarding the City of Anytown contact the City Treasurer at (123) 456-7890.